

Staying and being at your best during the wedding journey is important so let us introduce you to some of the biggest and best of the superfood family and their health benefits!




These days we are constantly bombarded with messages about the latest break-through superfoods that will have us living happier and healthier (and thinner) for longer. But what is a superfood? And do any of them actually live up to the hype? 

The term ‘superfood’ is used to describe a food type – usually organically sourced – that naturally packs a nutritional punch because of a high concentration of vitamins, minerals or antioxidants. At the same time, these foods don’t contain the calories, saturated fats, artificial ingredients and additives that we generally associate with convenient and processed foods. 

‘Superfood’ is a marketing term rather than a scientific one, and whether such a thing as a superfood actually exists or not is hotly contested.  Indeed in some parts of the world, such as the European Union, it is illegal to use the phrase ‘superfood’ on food packaging unless you are able to provide scientific evidence to back up your claims. 

Some superfoods are described as being capable of preventing disease, curing illness and improving over all wellbeing, whilst others are regarded as a way to ensure your body has its nutritional needs met to ensure optimum health in the face of a hectic lifestyle. Some are even accompanied by fantastical claims that they can help you cheat death and live centuries longer than the average human lifespan.

Whether you believe the hype or not, a superfood cannot take the place of a balanced and varied diet and regular exercise. Eating a handful of antioxidant rich blueberries is not going to undo a lifetime of soft drink and burgers. 

By the same token, there can’t be anything negative about eating nutrient rich foods in their freshest form, free from the genetic engineering and hormone growth accelerants that affect so much of our other food sources. 

Ultimately, you be the judge. Do the research, ask the questions, talk to your doctor and do what is best for your body. 

what they do



Spirulina is a highly nutritious type of salt water algae. Often described as the most complete food source in the world, Spirulina is so highly regarded that NASA views it as a staple of the astronaut diet.

It is said that Spirulina contains over 100 nutrients. It is rich in vegetable protein, 3 to 4 times higher than fish or beef in fact, and much easier to digest than animal protein. It’s also a good source of vitamin B-12, which can be lacking in a vegetarian diet, and is rich in antioxidants.

Spirulina has been found to contain a wide range of minerals, such as iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, and such high volumes of beta-carotene that it can protect cells up to 5 times more than carrots and 40 times more than spinach. It also contains high volumes of gamma-linolein acid, which can reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease. 

Spirulina is apparently the only known source of phycocyanin, which has shown potential therapeutic benefits for weakened immune function caused by use of toxic drugs, and encourages optimal health. 

Spirulina is not a medicine, but it is claimed that including spirulina powder in your drinks or taking spirulina tablets daily can prevent nutrient deficiencies. 


Spirulina can be bought in both powder form or as a tablet, but be warned, it is an algae and it does have a smell to it, so the tablet option may be preferable if you are sensitive to such things. The powder can be easily mixed in with a green smoothie or even mixed into a yummy dip.


Spirulina will take on the characteristics of the waters in which it is grown, so seek out Spirulina that is harvested from unpolluted areas. 



Maca, otherwise known as Peruvian ginseng, belongs to the radish family. Its root is an edible tuber like a potato, and it has a light nutty flavour. 

Maca is said to be nutritionally dense and rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes and essential amino acids. It is high in B-group vitamins and is a particularly good vegetarian source of B-12. It also contains high levels of calcium and magnesium.

It is claimed that Maca offers an amazing energy boost. Unlike coffee however, Maca provides energy that doesn’t rely on caffeine, and doesn’t dehydrate the body like coffee does. 

It is also believed that Maca root helps to balance hormones, by stimulating and nourishing the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. Hormones regulate many things including mood, growth, sexual development and tissue function. Hormone imbalances can also play a role in many diseases, including tuberculosis, stomach cancer and even depression.

Maca is also claimed to be a fertility enhancer and its reputation as a libido and sexual function enhancer (particularly for men) has earned it the nickname of ‘nature’s Viagra’. It’s also said to be helpful for women experiencing menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms, and is a natural alternative to anabolic steroids.

The powdered form can be mixed in to drinks or sprinkled on food, try adding a teaspoon of Maca to a smoothie or to your favourite soup. Also try sprinkling Maca over a banana for a nutritious and sweet energy hit.


We’ve all been told to eat our greens, but maybe we should be eating our purples too! One of the major benefits of beet juice it that it contains a colour pigment called betalain, a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and detoxification substance. Beetroot dilates your vessels so blood flows more easily and it contains iron, which helps deliver oxygen throughout the body and fights anemia. 

Eating beetroot raw is the best way to gain the nutrient benefits, but we can also juice it to help absorb the phytonutrients 

Cooking can decrease the nutrient content.





The Goji berry is native to Asia. The berry itself is a dried fruit about the same size as a raisin, and some say it tastes like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry. 

It is said that Goji berries are a powerful antioxidant and able to assist in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels. They are also purportedly able to help with insomnia, fever, weight loss, sexual function, fertility, age related eye problems and memory, and can aid in supporting the immune system and raising energy levels. 

Some studies using Goji berry juice have allegedly revealed improvements in mental wellbeing as well as in athletic performance, calmness, happiness and quality of sleep. 

Goji berries can be eaten straight from the bag, and make a great snack on their own. They can also be added to oatmeal or muesli, smoothies, salads, even cake or muffin batters. They’re also good in a trail mix or brewed as a tea. 



That’s right, we can have chocolate (within reasonable limits of course!) Cocoa can boost endorphins and serotonin, two of the best chemicals responsible for making us happy. It’s also full of flavonoids, found naturally in plants that may help fight a wide range of conditions, including diabetes, strokes and heart disease. It also thins blood and helps reduce blood pressure

To ensure you get the benefits of the flavonoids, make sure you purchase ‘pure’, ‘unprocessed’ or 70% cocoa. Sprinkle it on oatmeal or in a smoothie.



Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre, this super seed contains 500% more calcium than milk, and the same amount of omega-3 as wild salmon. Chia also has an appetitesuppressing quality, making them an ideal food for weight loss. 

Stir two tablespoons of whole or raw Chia seeds into a glass of water, wait a few minutes and drink down.



This antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory spice gives curry its distinctive taste. It’s a prominent medicinal tool in Ayurveda, the ancient medical tradition that began in India, where turmeric is widely used. 

Turmeric contains curcumin, which may protect against cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, and also improves circulation, prevents blood clotting and helps dull a variety of pains. 

Try cooking with its powdered form or get it in tablet form. You can also sprinkle it on top of salads, vegetables or meat. 



Not only do black soybeans contain high levels of protein and antioxidants, but they also help you lose weight. Black soybeans contain very few carbohydrates and take longer to digest, which keeps your stomach fuller for longer. 

Just half a cup of black soybeans half an hour before a meal can help you curb your appetite.